EM Ultrasound Finishing School
Category: Training - Other
Date: December 17th 2012
Location: Education Centre, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
We will be running the second one day finishing school for Level 1 EMUS at the Education Centre, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust on Monday 17th December 2012.
This day is supported by the Severn Deanery and is free of charge to Emergency Medicine trainees within Severn Deanery.
The aim of the day is to assure Level 1 EMUS competency sign off on completion of the day. The format will be a morning of supervised scanning practice followed by an afternoon of Triggered Assessments ( AAA, FAST, Vascular Access and eALS).
To be eligible for participation in this day all other elements required for CEM Level 1 sign off must be completed prior to this day and evidence of such submitted. These are:
- Completion of CEM approved level 1 training course OR completion of all relevant EnLightemMe modules
- Pictorial logbook containing a minimum of 10 reflective cases
- Logbook demonstrating a minimum of 10AAA, 10FAST and 5 US guided Vascular Access undertaken with at least 50% of each supervised by an approved Level 1 practitioner.
To register your interest in attending contact:
Mrs Sandra Messan, BEMUS Administrator at Sandra.Messan@UHBristol.nhs.uk
For any further details contact:
Lisa Munro-Davies, Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Lisa.Munrodavies@UHBristol.nhs.uk
Please Note: Places are limited and confirmation of a place on this accreditation day will only be upon receipt of all the necessary supporting documentation described above.
Type | Title |
Please contact Heather Chapman | |
Please contact Heather Chapman |