SAS CESR Day - Severn and Peninsula Regions
Category: SAS Doctors - Other
Date: July 9th 2014 9:00am until 5:00pm
Location: Dillington House, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9DT
Session Plan
09.00 | Arrival and Coffee |
09.25 | Welcome |
09.30 | Cliff Mann, President of the College of Emergency Medicine, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton |
10.10 | Ed Glucksman (T.B.C.) Emergency Medicine Consultant/Clinical Director for Medicine, King’s College Hospital, London |
10.50 | Question Time |
11.00 | Coffee break |
11.20 | Katherine Henderson, Registrar of the College of Emergency Medicine; Consultant in Emergency Medicine, St. Thomas’s Hospital, London: Burnout and Sustainable Careers |
12.00 | Liz Spencer, Consultant Anaesthetist, Glos and Doctors Training: Evidencing Non Clinical Skills |
12.30 | Lunch |
13.30 | Sabina Khan, GMC Regional Liaison Adviser: Applying for CESR |
14.10 | David Maritz, Neil Slabbert (TBC), Neal Durge (TBC). Consultants in Emergency Medicine, Yeovil District Hospital and HEMS/Royal London Hospital: CESR Portfolio Group Sessions |
14.50 | Imran Saif, Associate Dean for SAS Doctors, Peninsula Region |
15.00 | Coffee |
15.30 | Katalin Fernando, Consultant in Emergency Medicine (previously SAS Doctor), Yeovil District Hospital: FCEM Exam |
16.10 | Summary and Question Time |
16.40 | Close |
Contact Michael Fernando (SAS Tutor, Yeovil) for a place:
There is no cost to individual doctors attending this day. This is being funded through SAS Development Funding. CPD points applied for through CEM.