UK Training in Emergency Airway Management (TEAM) Course
Category: Training - Other
Date: September 6th 2012 until September 7th 2012
Location: Simulation Centre, RUH, Bath
The UK TEAM Course has been jointly developed and is jointly owned by the College of Emergency Medicine and the Royal College of Anaesthetists. It is a two day course designed to teach the foundations of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to manage the airway safely in an emergency.
UK TEAM is designed for ST3 and above trainees in Emergency Medicine who have completed an ACCS programme, or equivalent, and wish to develop their skills in RSI and the more general aspects of emergency airway management in the ED. Established consultants also find the course valuable, which is consistently rated highly by all participants.
The next UK TEAM course is being held at the Simulation Centre, Royal United Hospital, Bath on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th September. This is a well-established course with an all-consultant faculty which uses high fidelity patient simulators in a series of workshops and scenarios. There are currently two vacant places on the course, which costs £415 for the two days. More information and booking details can be found by following this link, or contact Professor Jonathan Benger.