If you are new to the Severn Postgraduate School of Emergency Medicine (EM) we would like to start by saying congratulations regarding your appointment. To make the most of the training opportunities on offer new trainees are required to engage with a variety of different elements from an early stage:
Upon commencement of an EM training post, all trainees are required to register with the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and obtain an e-portfolio account. The e-portfolio is a versatile training recording system and will form the primary component of a trainee annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). It is important for trainees to utilise the e-portfolio as soon as their training post begins to ensure an accurate reflection of the training undertaken can be demonstrated.
Educational Supervisor
The Educational Supervisor (ES) plays a very important role in the day to day aspect of a trainee’s professional life. The ES is responsible for the education and training a trainee receives throughout a rotation. Although the ES may not be responsible for the day to day supervision (the role of a Clinical Supervisor) any issues or concerns must be fed back to the ES. Trainees are required to meet with their Educational Supervisor formally on 3 occasions for each rotation to have an introductory, interim and final review. The report which is produced upon these meetings will be stored onto the trainee’s e-portfolio and will be the primary component of an annual assessment. During the first week it is advisable for trainees to make contact with the ES if possible to ensure early engagement. If there are any concerns with ES allocation then trainees should contact the Training Programme Director (ST3+ Dr Leilah Dare)
Regional Teaching Days
The Severn Postgraduate School of Emergency Medicine is lucky to have some of the best educators in the country. Along with the Trainee Representative these Educators provide a monthly Regional Training Day programme each year. All trainees are invited and expected to attend these sessions. Information regarding the teaching days can be found on this website on the Regional Training Day webpage. To ensure attendance all trainees are expected to record the dates and ensure study leave is booked within their departments and online through Intrepid.
Every year EM trainees will undertake at least one formal assessment. For the majority of trainees this will be in the form of an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). A full panel containing a minimum of three consultants, a lay chair (for a minimum of 10% of ARCP’s), and an external representative (for a minimum of 10% of ARCP’s) will review the trainees e-portfolio and consider additional evidence as appropriate. After consideration the panel will produce an outcome based on the trainee's progress and current working level. Trainees will then be invited to attend a face to face meeting with the panel to discuss the outcome and receive advice and guidance. The ARCP is a formal event and trainees are expected to attend dressed in suitable attire. Further Information can be found on the Assessment and Appraisal webpage on this site.
Study Leave
The Study Leave policy can be found here.
Trainees in a full time post are entitled to attend up to 30 study leave days per annum. These days are to be taken evenly throughout the training year. 15 of these days are reserved for internal or locally provided teaching (such as the Regional Training Days). If a trainee is Less Than Full Time (LLFT) then the allocation of study leave days is calculated on a pro-rata basis. To apply for study leave please see the study leave page
Annual GMC Survey – Quality Panels
Severn Postgraduate Medical Education is firmly committed to improving the training programmes within it remit. As a part of this process all Schools undertake quality review panels which aim to comprehensively review each rotation taking in the opinions of the trainees and trainers. A primary component of this review is the analysis of the GMC trainee and trainer annual survey results. As a consequence the School would like to encourage all the Severn EM trainees to complete this survey to help ensure we are providing the most comprehensive training programme possible.
Professional Support
Within the modern medical education environment trainees are undertaking a huge transition whilst developing from a foundation level doctor to a consultant within a relatively short and intense period of time. If trainees require any support or guidance during this period it is important that they access the help available to them in good time to prevent a minor issue developing into a serious concern. Asking for help will not be detrimental to a trainee’s career, instead it shows they are ready to take ownership of their training and demonstrates their commitment to good clinical practice.
In the first instance trainees should express any concerns or issues to their Educational Supervisor. The Educational Supervisor is responsible for their trainee’s education and supervision during their rotation and will be on hand to guide and support the trainee regarding professional matters.
If a trainee requires further assistance then the next stage would be to involve the Training Programme Director, Dr Leilah Dare or the Head of School, Dr Victoria Stacey. Dr Stafford is responsible for the overall training programme within the Severn region and works closely with the various Educational and Clinical Supervisors, College Tutors and Administration Staff to ensure a consistent high quality level of training is provided to each and every trainee.
We also offer a Trainee Support service (Professional Support Unit). Trainees who are struggling with various aspects of their life, for example biological (health), psychological (behaviour) or social (work or home environment) issues may self-refer to this service for additional support. Likewise if a trainee’s Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Director is concerned about a trainee they may ask for the involvement of the Trainee Support Team. Further information about this service can be found on the Professional Support Unit webpage. sevedtraineereps@googlemail.com
Trainee Representative
The Severn Postgraduate School of EM has a democratically elected Trainee Representative who sits on the various board meetings and quality panels the school holds and acts on behalf of the EM trainees. Please email if you wish to contact the current Trainee Reps; Fran Verey and Aysnley Mann sevedtraineereps@googlemail.com