Wellbeing and Clinical Environment Concerns during COVID-19

During this difficult and challenging time for many we (HEESW) as your training organization are very conscious of the various pressures you may be experiencing. The purpose of this email is to explain the process for you to raise any concerns you may have about the clinical learning environment and also the resources available for you to access should you have concerns with your own well-being.

Clinical Learning Environment

Our ‘normal’ quality processes are not operational during the COVID crisis (GMC NTS, Quality Panels). Guidance is available here for you to raise any concerns you may have particularly related to clinical supervision, working outside of competence, induction and excessive workload.
You will see the escalation process involves initial discussion with your Trust. If this hasn’t resolved the issue or you feel unable to have the conversation because of issues such as conflict of issues then you should escalate the concern to us. We will deal with any contact in a confidential and where possible anonymized fashion. The email address for this is EscalatingConcerns.SW@hee.nhs.uk.


Well-Being and Support

Looking after your wellbeing during this crisis is crucial - it is a marathon, not a sprint. Our Professional Support and Wellbeing team across the South West are operational during the COVID crisis and can be contacted on PSW.SW@hee.nhs.uk. However, there are many avenues of support for you to access through your trust and elsewhere which we would ask you to consider before contacting the PSW. We have put together some key resources in our COVID-19 PSW FAQs . More information regarding Professional Support & Wellbeing can be found on the Severn and Peninsula websites. 


Supporting and Escalating Concerns in Clinical Learning Environments during Covid-19